Michelle's November Goal;
Good reading and good talking"!
Sight Words - Michelle can recognize all close to 133 words on the high frequency word list which puts her at exceeding standards for her age/grade.
Only 2 words on both lists did she not recognize; "as" and "because"
Hearing & Recording Sounds Assessment
This assessment is mandatory in most school boards (in western countries) for Grade One word recognition. The student listens to the words in the sentence and writes down the sounds they hear. They are then marked on the sounds they hear. Their results will inform teachers who needs early intervention strategies for reading and word recognition.
Michelle did very well in this assessment, especially when we factor in that English is her 2nd language!
I read her (3) three sentences and her scores for each were, 36/36 , 34/36 and 34/36. These marks represent Michelle's isolation of the sounds when writing and her symbolic representation of the sounds. This determines if the child is hearing individual sounds, which she is. These were the words that were spelled incorrectly but represented the sounds for what she heard;
whith (with) riede (ride) wil (will) litte (little)
gowing (going) yowowe (yellow) get (gate) fusse (fuzzy)
Why Reading Matters?
- Books help children develop vital language skills
- Reading can open up new worlds and enrich children's lives
- Reading can enhance children's social skills
- Reading can improve hand-eye coordination
- Reading can provide children with good, clean fun!
Following our shared reading Michelle is asked the following questions;
- Does this story remind you of anything else?
- What can you tell me about ________?
- Where and when did the story happen?
- What happened at the beginning, middle, end?
- Can you guess what may happen at the end of the story?
- Can you think of another ending?
- Can you retell using your own words?
- Has this ever happened to you?
Stories we have read this month (both shared and independently:
- Whose in a Family?
- Fox in Socks
- Stephanie's Ponytail
- The Boy in the Drawer
- 50 Below Zero
- I Have to Go
- When I Grow Up
- Big or Little
- Red, Purple, Green
- Biscuit
- Callilou and Gilbert
Phonics / Language
- Sequencing / Tell a Story
- Picture Word Cards
- Short and Long Vowels Recognition
- Game - Beginning and Ending Sounds
- Recognizing Phonemes (Game) Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
- Making Sentences (from Grade One Word List)
- Journal - how to write stories
- mind-mapping
- beginning / middle / end
- conflict and resolution
Math / Numbers
- 100 Square
- Math Bingo (memory)
- Number Sequencing